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Other Documents

Accounting Statements 2023-24

Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Internal Audit Report 2023-24

2023-24 Provision of Public Rights

Certificate of Exemption 2023-24

Councillor Vacancy Notice 24.05.24

2023-24 AGAR Variances

2023-24 Payments over £100

31.03.24 Bank Reconciliation

31.03.24 Asset Register

Casual Vacancy notice

2024-25 Agreed Budget

Storm Babet report

Storm Christoph report -

Crowton Hall 19/01233/FUL planning comments

Certificate of Exemption 2023

Annual Governance Statement 2022.23

Payments over £100 2022.23

Annual Internal Audit 2022/23

Accounting Statements 2022.23

Asset Register 2023

Notice of Public rights 2023

Variances 2022-23

Bank Reconciliation 2022.23

Cashbook/bank reconciliation

Uncontested Election 2023

Statement of Persons Nominated (Elections)

Notice of Parish Council Election

Transparency Code Policy

Variance Report 21/22

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