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Minutes February 2024


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on 

Tuesday 13th February 2024 at Crowton Village Hall 


PresentCllr Ralph Oultram (Chair) (RO), Cllr Richard Thorne (Vice Chair) (RT)                    

Cllr Joel Rutter (JR) Cllr Jennie Currie (JC)

Clerk T Whitlow (TW)  

23/91Apologies for Absence were received & accepted from:   

Cllr Ross McCrickerd (RM) Cllr Bob Stubbs (BS) Cllr Roger Hammond (RH),  

Ward Councillors Gillian Edwards, Lynn Stocks & Phil Rimmer

23/92Declarations of Members’ Interests: Cllr JC planning application 21/03527/FUL

23/93Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 9th January 2024 were approved & signed by the Chair.

23/94Public Participation: none present.

23/95Ward Councillors reports:

None present – no reports received.

23/96    Matters arising from the previous minutes – unless an agenda item:

None, all covered under agenda items.


TW confirmed she had contacted CWAC to inform of the parish councillor vacancy. Casual Vacancy Notice prepared, to be put on noticeboard at the end of the meeting.  


1.Cash book as at 29.01.24 approved.

2.Bank reconciliation 29.01.24 approved.

3.Payments for approval.

•Clerks salary February 


•Field rent received £75.00

5.Bank update:

•complaints logged with Barclays. Barclays to respond by 17th January, then 31 Jan, now 14th February.

6.Clerk Update: TW advised that it is becoming difficult to find space on the Parish Council notice board as there are so many village activities advertised. There are several official notices that legally have to be displayed. Resolved for the village to have access to one half and the PC to the other half of the notice board. To be reviewed over the next few months.


1.Overhanging tree by the Church – has been hacked back by Highways. 

2.Report it App: details have been added to the website.

3.Crewood Common: TW has had no response from Highways – TW to chase.

4.Wildflower bank opposite the school: This has been strimmed. TW to add to her calendar to remind Highways to do this in September.

23/100Millennium Green:

1.Trust: Charity Commission appear to have a problem as the PC and RO are trustee’s. To check with CC if RO resigns as an individual can the MG then be passed over to the PC.

2.Volunteers will be back at the MG on 26/03/23. 

3.Re-development work: RO, RT & JC to meet with a contractor to discuss moving the project forward now the weather is beginning to dry up and enable the contractor to set dates.

4.PC Underwriting works to the MG: Resolved that the PC in principle would add any extra funding required, (depending on amount) TW to monitor the budget for the works and keep the PC updated on costs to be incurred by the PC. All additional cost to be agreed by the PC.


21/03527/FUL Little Brook Farm New Access: ratified planning response via email that: that this application needs deciding along with 23/03218/FUL, as associated.  Also has an impact on the Greenbelt, local properties & amenities and new access is more dangerous than present access. No real need has been demonstrated.

23/102Asset Maintenance & Register.

1.Tree Survey –

Diseased trees- JC reported that 1 tree is to stay, under review 1 tree need topping – to get a quote from Frodsham Tree Surgeons for this work.

Pollution – JC reported that EA won’t accept the tree survey report as evidence – JC to follow up.

2.Parish Council Field – 

New Tenant: TW reported that the new tenancy agreement has been signed.

Field hedges: RO reported that the cost of having the hedges cut is circa £200 Resolved to instruct contractor to carry out the work ASAP. Once cut the hedges will be the tenants responsibility.

23/103Community Resilience Group: Setting up a working group was discussed. Resolved for JC to lead this, enabling her to communicate on behalf of the PC at any external meeting that she attends. JC to recruit further members of the group.

Further discussion followed on water coming into Small Brook coming directly from Delamere Forest sluice gates. To be followed up.

23/104Items for next agenda:

MG- works progress.

23/105Date of next meeting.  Tuesday 12th March 2024 at Crowton Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm

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