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Minutes - September 2023


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 12th September 2023 at Crowton Village Hall 2023


Cllr Ralph Oultram (Chair) (RO), Cllr Richard Thorne (Vice Chair)   (RT)

Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs (ES), Cllr Jennifer Currie (JC), Cllr   Roger Hammond (RH) Cllr Joel Rutter (JR)

Ward Councillor Gillian Edwards (GE)

Clerk T Whitlow (TW)  2 members   of the Public (MOP)


Apologies   for Absence were received & accepted from:

Cllr Ross   McCrickerd (RM) Cllr Bob Stubbs (BS) Cllr Joel Rutter (JR)


Declarations   of Members’ Interests – none


Approve   Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday   11 July 2023 were approved & signed by the Chair


Public   Participation. MOP again raised issue of the large number of HGV’s travelling   through the village to gain access to a local business, also concerned that   tree trimming along Station Road today was to facilitate the lorries.


Ward   Councillors reports:

Cllr GE reported on   a very successful meeting with TW at Forresters, regarding the speed of the   lorries through the village. At their request TW sent them a letter for them   to send to their haulier companies, complaining about the speed of the HGV’s.

Crowdfunding   via spacehive discussed.

Highways   meeting set up for 9th October.

Hand held   speed monitor – a number of other local PC’s have purchased one, Cllr GE   would contribute if the PC decide to purchase one of these.


Matters   arising from the previous minutes – unless an agenda item.



Correspondence.   JC   has received an email to say the whips for the hedge on the MG will be   ready between 13-17 November.




1. Cash book as at 28.08.23 approved.

2. Payments for approval.

T Whitlow Clerk Expenses x2 months (July & August) £76.65

Clerks salary September


Highways - Cllr GE   has organised another zoom Highways meeting for the Parish Council   next month (see 23/33)

Again a few   more potholes have been filled, but still more needs to be completed on   Station Road and village end of Bent Lane.


Millennium Green

1. External fence – This   on-going issue between the PC and Highways in respect of ownership which is   still not resolved – Cllr GE to contact the deputy leader of CWAC. TW to   confirm with highways that if the PC are to remove the concrete/metal fence   from the highway adjacent to the MG that the PC would not be liable for any   accidents occurring with vehicles running off the highway into the stream.

2. Trust - to remove   the “right to purchase back” clause from the trust agreement now that the   time frame has expired. A member of the village has kindly offered to take   this forward.

3. To consider   fundraising via Crowd Funding (Space hive) – as   previously discussed JC to complete the paperwork for this with assistance   from TW. To bring back to the next meeting for full agreement.

4. Purchase of   new gates  – Resolved to hold back on the purchase of the gates and put this into the   crowd funding costs Resolved to purchase 2 new gate furniture to enable   easier access.



23/02391/FUL – Spring Bank Farm, Ainsworth Lane – Resolved to   comment  - The access drive has been constructed crosses what was agricultural land   and therefore surely constitutes a change of use from agricultural to   domestic/residential/commercial use. This could leave the door open for all   sorts of development in the future which would be totally inappropriate for   the site and location.

23/02619/FUL – Yew Tree farm, Ainsworth Lane. As this application was only received at   16.00hrs today Resolved for cllr’s to send comments to TW for   submission. TW


Asset Maintenance   & Register.

1. Tree Survey - TW has received 2 quotes for the tree survey on PC   owned land. The trees on the parish field do not require surveying as not on   open public land. Resolved to accept the quote of £250 from Frodsham   Tree Solutions, they can carry out the survey at the end of this week. TW

2. Parish Council Field - TW had written to the tenant regarding hedges and topping of the   fields, but it appears that this has not been completed. TW to contact the   tenant again to ensure that the small field is topped, and the hedges are   cut. TW

3. Review of Asset Register & Insurance values- Resolved to   accept the assets register. TW to now obtain quotes for the insurance. The   figure placed on the War Memorial is a notional figure, TW to try to obtain an   insurance figure from a stone mason. TW

4. Fence around War Memorial- RM has manage to find some   volunteers to replace the fence, TW to collect the materials from Gleaves at   Frodsham. TW

5. Trees on Station Road – following the trimming of some trees today, RH to investigate   which if any have TPO’s on them. RH


Review of   meeting dates. The council discussed the bimonthly meetings.  Resolved to revert back to monthly   meetings from next month. TW to contact the village hall & update   website. TW


Items for   next agenda:

Insurance   quotes. 1st pass budget 2024/25. Crowdfunding for the MG. Handheld   speed device.


Date of   next meeting.  Tuesday 10th  October.

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm

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