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Minutes - May 2024


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on 

Tuesday 14th May 2024 at Crowton Village Hall 

 2024                                                                  Meeting started 7.15pm

PresentCllr Ralph Oultram (Chair) (RO)                  

Cllr Jenny Currie (JC) Cllr Roger Hammond (RH))

Cllr Thomas Stott (TS) 

Ward Councillor Gillian Edwards (GE)

Clerk - T Whitlow (TW)  

24/01Apologies for Absence were received & accepted from:   

Cllr Bob Stubbs, Cllr Joel Rutter, Cllr Richard Thorne

Ward Councillors Lynn Stocks & Phil Rimmer

24/02Declarations of Members’ Interests: 


24/03Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 9th April 2024 were approved & signed by the Chair.

24/04Public Participation: 

None present.

24/05Ward Councillors reports:

GE has been in touch with Punch Taverns regarding the tenancy of the Hare & Hounds, it should be open again in the next few weeks.

GE has been in contact with Highways regarding Poplar Vale and the surface water drainage.

GE is in contact with Head of Highways regarding the culvert wall on the Millennium Green and lack of action from Highways.

GE reported that mowing of verges will be taking place in May/June.


Matters arising from the previous minutes – unless an agenda item:

Forresters – TW has contacted Forresters again in relation to the number of vehicles using Bag Lane & Bent Lane. A MOP will try to keep a log of vehicles for TW to pass on, as requested. TW to investigate the possibility of “No HGV” signs with Highways.

SID’s - data has now been downloaded and TW will analyse, will now download on a monthly basis and circulate.

Fingerpost - at the bottom of Norley Lane. RT has emailed TW to ask about the possibility of it being re-painted – TW has the contacts that Kingsley PC and Norley PC used and will contact both for a quote, before bringing back to the next meeting.

Post Box – JC confirmed she had had nothing from Royal Mail regarding the repainting, she will follow up. 

War Memorial Fence ¬-this still hasn’t been completed. TS volunteered to do this.


Following resignation from Ross McCrickerd last month, it was noted that he was guardian of the defib at the Hare & Hounds. TW to sign up as a second guardian with the Circuit for periodic electronic updates to keep the Defib online for the ambulance service.

24/08Election of Village Hall Representative:

 JC volunteered, proposed by RO seconded by RH. TW to inform the Village Hall committee and suggest that they also let the PC know the dates of any meetings so that JC can attend.


1.Cash book as at 08.05.24 approved.

2.Bank reconciliation 08.05.24 approved.

3.Payments for approval.

ChALC training course from previous year £25.

Clerks salary May


CWAC precept received £10,250.

Field rent received £325.

24/10Clerk Update: 

All covered under matters arising.


1.Ainsworth Lane/Crewood. TW has contacted Highways again, but not willing to do anything with the grass verges. TS informed the PC that a MOP has actually tried to re-instate. 

2.Overgrown trees on Cuddington border – TW has contacted the Cuddington clerk.

3.HGV’s are still using Bag Lane/Bent Lane on a regular basis. See Min 24/06

24/12Millennium Green:

1.Volunteers will be back at the MG on 26/05/24, where they will modify the gate latches and other work to be decided.

2.Re-development work: TW has contacted the preferred contractor, who due to the 3 months of wet weather is behind on his work schedule but will confirm start dates as soon as the ground is suitably dry.


22/04000/FUL – Sleepy Hollow Farm – Agricultural building – application refused.

24/14Asset Maintenance & Register.

1.Diseased trees- JC reported that a senior Environmental Protection Officer has been in contact with her – MG volunteers will highlight any further issues to JC for reporting.

2.War Memorial Fence – see 24/06.

3.Defib – Hare & Hounds – see 24/07.

4.SID’S – see 24/06.

5.Fingerpost – see 24/06.

6.Noticeboard: RT not present so no feedback from various groups this month as to whether the splitting of the noticeboard is manageable.

24/15Community Resilience Group: 

1.This is Work in Progress. JC has contacted the Village Hall who are happy for the Village Hall to become the Village Hub, in case of emergencies.

24/16Items for next agenda:

MG- works progress. AGAR. Councillor Vacancy.

24/17Date of next meeting.  Tuesday 11th June 2024 at Crowton Village Hall.

The meeting closed at    

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