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Agenda 13th February 2024


Members of the Parish Council 

You are summoned to the Meeting of Crowton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at at Crowton Village Hall, for the purposes of transacting the business set out in the agenda below.  

Members of the public and press are invited to attend.

Yours sincerely T Whitlow Clerk to Crowton Parish Council 7th February 2024


1ApologiesFor council to accept apologies from members

2Declarations of InterestCouncillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.  To declare any personal, pecuniary and/or prejudicial interests in items on the agenda and their nature. [Councillors with pecuniary and/or prejudicial interests must leave the room for the relevant items]

3Public ParticipationMembers of the public may comment or raise matters affecting the Parish.  (maximum 15 minutes total / 3 minutes per person) – [items raised will be noted, not discussed, unless within an existing agenda item]

4MinutesTo approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on

9th January 2024

5Ward CouncillorsTo receive a report from the Ward Councillors.

6Matters ArisingMatters arising from previous minutes – if not an agenda item.


To review and note the correspondence received since the last meeting – unless an agenda item.

8Accounts/Financial1.To approve the Cashbook & bank reconciliation.

2.To note income received and ratify payments made and approval of invoices received.

3.To receive any update/information from the clerk.

4.Update on bank complaint

9Highways1.To receive an update on highways issues.

10Millennium Green1.To receive an update of any changes to the Trust/Charity status.

2.To receive update on progress to work at the MG

11PlanningTo note planning applications as listed on the planning register, including comments submitted since the last meeting and any enforcement matters.

(planning register attached) 

12Asset Maintenance and Register1.To receive information on the Volunteers group & diseased tree’s

2.Parish Council Field update.

14Flood GroupTo discuss setting up a Flood/Resilience working group

15Items for Next MeetingItems for inclusion on the next agenda.

16Date of Next MeetingProposed Tuesday 12th March 2024

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